Thread veins, also known as spider veins or broken capillaries, are small, thin, and red or purple.
Service Description
Thread veins, also known as spider veins or broken capillaries, are small, thin, and red or purple blood vessels that can be visible on the surface of the skin. They are most commonly found on the face and legs and can be caused by various factors, including genetics, aging, pregnancy, and sun exposure. While they are not harmful, thread veins can be unsightly and cause self-consciousness for many people. Fortunately, thread vein laser treatment offers a safe and effective solution for removing them. How does thread vein laser treatment work? Thread vein laser treatment works by using a laser that emits a wavelength of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the blood vessel. The laser energy causes the blood vessel to coagulate and break down, eventually being absorbed by the body. The procedure is typically done as an outpatient treatment and is relatively quick, with most sessions lasting only 15-30 minutes. Before the procedure, a consultation with a trained and licensed professional is required to assess the thread veins' characteristics and determine the best approach for removal. During the procedure, protective eye shields are worn, and a cooling device is used to minimize discomfort.